Bride and Groom
If you plan on getting ready at a hotel with a large group of people (~5 or more people), please consider booking a suite.
Make sure the entire room is tidy. This is ESSENTIAL!
If you're giving gifts (to the wedding party, parents, and future spouse), have them easily accessible.
If food is provided, please keep it in the kitchen (or away from the getting ready area) and please try to eat before photography begins. No one likes photos of themselves stuffing their face.
We encourage everyone to take photos during the day but request that you limit it particularly during the getting ready phase of the wedding date. That's why we're there ;)
Last but not least, let your emotions hang out! Don't be afraid to smile, laugh, hug, or cry!
Allot extra time for your make-up artist and hair stylist to finish everyone in your bridal party.
Make sure your final payment to your make-up artist and hair stylist is ready in an envelope so you won’t have to worry about it while you’re getting ready.
Make sure your make-up artist puts you near available light, facing the window (not to the side) and cleans up any clutter around their work area. If there's no natural light, make sure they have some sort of white light with them.
Have your dress, shoes, jewelry, accessories, rings (engagement and BOTH wedding bands), stationary (i.e. save-the-date, invitation), and all other pertinent details set aside and ready to be photographed.
Ensure all bridesmaids and moms are dressed and ready by the time you are getting into your wedding dress.
Set aside an extra 30 to 40 minutes after getting into your dress for pictures of yourself, bridesmaids, and mothers.
Have your suit, shoes, and accessories ready and set aside to be photographed.
Ensure all groomsmen have their attire and toiletries ready before the day of the wedding.
Make sure all groomsmen know how to put on a tie, cuff-links, and a boutonniere.
Please set aside an extra 15 to 20 minutes after getting dressed for pictures of yourself, groomsmen, and fathers.